There are many assumptions in society regarding the appropriate time to take high blood pressure medication.
Many people believe that taking blood pressure medication before bed is very beneficial, but in fact, this is usually unnecessary.
Blood pressure medication should not be taken before bed at night unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to do so.
In the past, many doctors have recommended taking blood pressure medication at night, considering that heart attacks often occur in the morning hours.
However, since blood pressure usually decreases at night in both normal and hypertensive people, it is unnecessary to lower it further.
In addition, among the most common blood pressure medications are diuretics, or water pills. Diuretics are very effective in lowering blood pressure and are often the first choice of medication prescribed for high blood pressure.
These medications are designed to remove excess fluid from the body through urination, so taking them at night may cause you to wake up frequently to urinate and may disrupt your sleep.
Therefore, high blood pressure medications should usually be taken in the morning, or at least six hours before bedtime if they are taken twice daily.