You focus on a number of actions to improve your health such as exercising regularly, staying away from drugs or alcohol, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, socializing, etc.
But one thing is always overlooked, even fitness experts unknowingly ignore it and that is water.
Water is the elixir of life, but very few people prefer to drink it as a health supplement.
It is also easier than many healthy activities. There is no gym and no hassle of preparing food.
Staying optimally hydrated is a relatively simple lifestyle change with significant benefits, said Natalia Dmitrieva, a research scientist at the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda.
He said that drinking plenty of water can improve blood pressure, diabetes, joint, gut and kidney health, as well as reduce migraines and increase the glow of your skin, among other benefits.