During the month of Ramadan, fasting people should take special care of their health and avoid some bad dietary habits. According to the instructions of nutritionists, it is important to avoid these habits:
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Drinking too much water during pre-dawn meal:
Drinking too much water during pre-dawn meal (especially at the end) puts a burden on the kidneys and can upset the balance of salts in the body.
Excessive consumption of oily foods:
Eating fried and fatty foods can cause acidity and indigestion in the stomach.
Drinking cold water during iftar:
Drinking very cold water immediately after breaking the fast can cause stomach discomfort.
Eating sweets immediately after iftar:
Eating sweets causes the blood sugar level to increase rapidly and then decrease, which can make you feel weak.
Excessive use of spices and salt:
Eating too much spices and salt can make you thirsty and increase blood pressure.
Foods rich in fat:
Eating fatty foods can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.
Drinking carbonated drinks:
Drinking carbonated drinks can cause gas and indigestion in the stomach.
Strenuous exercise:
Exercising hard during fasting can lead to dehydration.
Healthy eating habits to adopt:
Eat a light and balanced diet for suhoor.
Break your fast with dates and water for iftar.
Drink adequate amounts of water between iftar and suhoor.
Eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.
Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Do light exercise.