A new study has found that cases of bowel cancer in young people in England are increasing rapidly.
The study found that the disease is spreading faster in England than in other countries.
According to researchers, early signs of bowel cancer in people aged 25 to 49 are increasing globally, but England is the country where this increase is the highest, at an average of 3.6% per year.
Studies are being conducted to find out why young people are getting bowel cancer, but experts believe that a poor diet, more ultra-processed foods, obesity and lack of exercise are playing a major role.
Michelle Mitchell, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said that this research shows that the increase in the rate of early signs of bowel cancer (which is affecting people aged 25 to 49) is a global problem.
It is worrying that this study has revealed for the first time that the rate of cancer is increasing faster in England than in other countries.
He said that a cancer diagnosis at any age is devastating for patients and their families, and we need to understand what is causing this trend in young people.