Islamabad: Sources say that Reko Diq Mining Company has expressed concern over the government’s failure to provide facilities as per the Security Services Framework Agreement (SSFA) and Memorandum of Understanding, which has cost the company an additional $390,000.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s Office has requested the timely payment of the amount deposited by Reko Diq Mining Company to FC Balochistan.
According to details, the Interior Division informed the recent ECC meeting that FC Balochistan has also been entrusted with the responsibility of securing the Reko Diq project.
According to the agreement signed with the Reko Diq Mining Company, the company was to pay a one-time grant to the FC for security expenses. After the company submitted the grant, a summary was sent to pay Rs 2.801 billion. Out of which, the Finance Division recommended Rs 1,951.995 million for the purchase of various safety equipment and vehicles, while Rs 848.641 million is still outstanding.
While the Reko Diq Mining Company has deposited another Rs 943.709 million as the second installment.
The Home Division further informed that a summary was sent to the Finance Division to approve Rs 1.792 billion as technical supplementary grant, however, the Finance Division approved only Rs 256.987 thousand 591.
While the Finance Division advised the Home Division that the repair and maintenance costs of the security vehicles deployed on the project are very high, which is not possible in the regular budget, so a re-application should be sent in this regard.
Similarly, heavy charges have been collected in the form of residential rents in the project area, moreover, the Finance Division has not yet paid the Rs 62.728 million due to the FC.
While the FC is performing 24-hour security duties for the security of the project, and for this, continuous provision of food and medical facilities is necessary, therefore special arrangements need to be made, for which the Reko Diq Mining Company has already provided funds.
The Interior Division requested the ECC to approve a technical supplementary grant of Rs 1.792 billion to ensure uninterrupted security of the Reko Diq project. The Finance Division took the position that since the SC has a regular budget, further consideration of the supplementary grant was considered necessary.