CAIRO: An extremely rare discovery has been made in an ancient Egyptian tomb at Tal al-Deir in the city of Damietta, in which valuables were found in a room with the deceased.
Excavation of an ancient tomb in Tal al-Deir revealed dozens of rare items. Archaeologists discovered mud-brick chambers that still contained valuables that were buried with men 2,500 years ago.
These items include pottery, funerary amulets and insect figurines to protect the deceased in the afterlife. Also included in the afterlife are ashbat statues, bronze coins, and gold foils with figures of religious symbols and deities such as Isis, Basset, and Horus for service to the deceased.
The discovery is unusual because many ancient Egyptian tombs have been looted since the time of the pharaohs.
According to Mohammed Ismail Khalid, secretary general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, the discovery, preserved for centuries, gives us a better insight into the funeral rites of ancient Egyptians and may help uncover the secrets of an ancient, fascinating culture. .