Makkah: Spirit-filled gatherings of Eid Al-Zhaha prayers were held in Masjid al-Haram and Masjid an-Nabawi (peace be upon him).
After offering the prayer, the atmosphere echoed with the recitation of Eid takbirat and the sounds of Allahu Akbar. Millions of pilgrims and local people participated in the Eid al-Zhaha prayer at Masjid al-Haram and Masjid Nabawi (peace be upon him).
On the occasion of the largest gathering of Eid Al-Zhaha prayers in Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Al-Hadith Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais of Haram Sharif delivered the Eid prayer sermon.
Pilgrims will sacrifice animals while paying the Sunnah of Ibrahimi and after the sacrifice, the Ihram will be opened.
On this occasion, special prayers were offered for the advancement of Islam, the security and development of the Muslim Ummah.