Punjab Information Minister Azma Bukhari has raised objections to the release of the accused of the May 9 tragedy and said that the criminals released from jails after pardon are repeating their previous intentions. This concession to those who committed May 9 has come from the Pakistan Army and they should also think about it again.
Addressing a press conference in Lahore, Punjab Information Minister Azma Bukhari said that children who became the fuel of chaos are expressing the spirit of May even after coming out. A ceremony was held in the honor of the rioters at the Chief Minister House, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Pakistan Army should also think about whether there should be a concession for such a group.
She said that if such rioters get such relief, then May 9 will happen again and again in this country.
Azma Bukhari criticized the PTI leadership and said that they have to do politics in everything, why doesn’t the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government fix the prisons there, why does it only see Adiala Jail? She said that the founder of PTI never regrets his actions.