Washington: The debate regarding taking humans to Mars has been going on for decades, but NASA has started working on building the most powerful rocket to make it possible.
The challenge of landing humans on Mars also includes the problem of bringing and transporting heavy equipment from the planet, which would take about two years for just one orbit if current rocket technology was used.
A more advanced rocket, the Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) is being developed by NASA. It is a rocket system designed to go far into space. This will make the journey between Earth and Mars much shorter.
NASA said in a statement that the technology would be able to transport astronauts and cargo to and from Mars more efficiently and quickly than existing spacecraft.
NASA said that PPR aims to revolutionize future long-distance space missions to Mars. It will likely complete the journey to the planet in just 2 months.
The rocket will be capable of generating 100,000 power of energy with a specific impulse of 5000 seconds.