By the grace of Almighty Allah, Mari Energies Limited (formerly Mari Petroleum Company
Limited) is pleased to announce gas discovery resulting from its exploratory efforts at
Spinwam-1 exploration well, drilled in Waziristan Block, located in North Waziristan district,
KPK Province.
Mari Energies is the Operator of Waziristan Block having 55% working interest along with
OGDCL and OPI as joint venture partners having 35% and 10% working interest respectively.
The joint venture has successfully drilled the second exploration well, Spinwam-1, in the
Waziristan Block. The well was spudded on May 28, 2024, and reached a total depth of
4,400m MD/ 4,398m TVD on January 03, 2025, in the Datta Formation (Jurassic).
Initial pre-acid testing of the Samanasuk formation has shown a flow of 12.96 Million
Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMscfd) gas and approx. 20 Barrels per Day (BBL/Day) of
condensate at 32/64″ choke and against Well Head Flowing Pressure (WHFP) 2,127 Pounds
per Square Inch (PSI). Further testing is underway, including post acid job and assessments
in the existing formation and additional targeted formations, to fully evaluate the well’s
This discovery has opened a new play within the block, contributing to address the gas
demand-supply gap from indigenous resources and enhancing the hydrocarbon resource
base of both the Joint Venture and the country.
Mr. Faheem Haider, Managing Director & CEO, emphasized the company’s commitment to
towards finding and developing new hydrocarbon resources. He extended his thanks to the
Ministry of Petroleum, DGPC, Provincial Government, Law Enforcement Agencies, local
community and Joint Venture Partners for their cooperation and support throughout the
operational activities.
Lt Gen Anwar Ali Hyder (Retd), Chairman of MariEnergies’ Board of Directors, praised the
dedication and efforts of MariEnergies’ team for their efforts in achieving this milestone. He
also expressed gratitude to the security agencies, federal & provincial government and the
joint venture partners for their continuous support.