LAHORE: Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has said that Operation Azam rejects the government’s decision to stabilize.
Hafiz Naeemur Rahman said in a statement that Pakistan cannot afford any more military operations, military operations are not a solution to problems, all the operations in the last 23 years have caused harm instead of benefit.
Hafiz Naeemur Rahman said that the country was pushed into the war against the so-called terrorism of the United States, in which one hundred thousand Pakistani civilians and security personnel were martyred, the western border became unsafe, and the national economy lost billions of dollars. With the so-called war against terrorism, Pakistan has become an arena for foreign agencies.
Hafiz Naeemur Rahman emphasized that meaningful talks should be held with Afghanistan, Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline should be completed, the government should now take all stakeholders on board, it is better for the army, people, democracy and Pakistan that such a Even if there is no decision that will cause the country to fall into crisis.