Islamabad: The first case of M-pox was reported this year. Border Health Services staff identified a suspected case during screening at Peshawar Airport.
According to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, the suspected case has tested positive, as a result of which the number of cases after the M-pox health emergency has reached 10. The travel history of this case is from Gulf countries.
According to the Coordinator for Health, Dr. Mukhtar Bharath, effective measures are being ensured to protect the public from M-pox. There is an effective screening system at all airports. Implementation of the recommendations of the International Health Regulation is being ensured. The federal and provincial governments are determined to deal with M-pox.
On the other hand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Advisor Ehtesham Ali has confirmed in his statement that the first M-pox case of 2025 has been reported from Peshawar Airport. As soon as the case was reported, a public health team reached Peshawar Airport.
He said that the public health team has shifted the patient to the Police Services Hospital, from where the patient’s samples were sent to the Public Health Reference Lab and MPax was confirmed in a 35-year-old man who had come from Dubai.
According to the provincial health advisor, a letter has been written to the Peshawar Airport Manager to provide details of passengers around the patient. As soon as the information of the passengers is received, the concerned DHOs will be informed for contact tracing.
The statement said that 10 cases of MPax have been reported in the province so far. 2 in 2023, 7 in 2024, while the first case was reported in 2025. The public is requested to be careful while ensuring social distancing.