The disadvantages of not cutting nails are quite high, especially for young children whose immune systems are still developing. Not cutting children’s nails regularly can lead to several potential problems.
Following are some of the harmful effects that can occur as a result of negligence:
1) Scratches/Injuries: If children’s nails are not cut for a long time, it can cause scratches to them and others, for example, if a child wants to scratch when itchy, his skin can become scratched.
2) Skin irritation: Long nails can cause skin irritation in children, especially around the face and other sensitive areas. Children may inadvertently scratch or rub their skin with long fingernails, causing redness, inflammation and pain.
3) Risk of infection: Dirt, bacteria and other germs can accumulate under long nails, increasing the risk of infection. Children put their fingers in their mouths, which can transfer germs to the mouth or other parts of the body.
4) Difficulty in activities: Long nails can interfere with the child’s daily activities. They may have difficulty grasping objects, using utensils, and may unintentionally hurt themselves or others during play.
5) Ingrown nails: When nails are left uncut for a long time, they start growing into the surrounding skin. These can cause pain, swelling and infection if not addressed promptly.
6) Nail biting: Children with long nails may develop a habit of biting their own nails with their teeth which can lead to further problems like infection, nail damage and transfer of bacteria from mouth to fingers.