KARACHI: After the success of the agreement with the IMF, the confidence of international investors in Pakistan began to increase. As a result, the value of Eurobonds has improved, while interest rates have decreased.
CEO Topline Research Mohammad Sohail said in this regard that the Eurobond, which was previously trading at an interest rate of 20 to 40 percent, has now come down to 9 to 11 percent. This will give the government opportunities to get financing from the global market on favorable terms, Muhammad Awais Ashraf, director of research at AKD Securities, told The Express Tribune that global investors are buying Eurobonds at rising prices. And their appetite for higher interest rates is dying, according to data available on Pakistan’s $500 million worth of 10-year Eurobonds that mature in September 2025.
rose to 98.2 cents from 97.1 cents on October 4, while the yield on the bond fell 8.06 percentage points to 10.26 percent, the Rs 1.3 billion worth of 5-year bonds maturing in April 2026. , rose to 93 cents from 91.6 cents, while interest rates dropped 11.74 percentage points to 11.18 percent.
According to the State Bank, foreign investment in T-bills has increased and foreign investment in T-bills amounted to 61.65 million Dalat in the month of September, bringing the foreign investment in T-bills to a total of 179.16 million dollars. It’s done.