LAUSANNE: A daily epilepsy drug can reduce snoring symptoms in millions of sufferers, a new study has found.
Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, which affects millions of people worldwide, causes loud snoring, gasping, gasping, and snoring sounds during sleep. .
This condition can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
New research presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress showed that the use of the epilepsy drug Silthiame reduced the symptoms of respiratory problems.
People with severe OSA may need to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine throughout the night.
Professor Jean Heidner of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, who presented the research, said the treatment could be difficult to use long-term.
“We also need to better understand the mechanisms behind OSA so that clinicians can better treat it,” he said.
After positive results from a study of 298 people from 28 different centers across Europe, experts believe that silthiameco can be used as an alternative to CPAP.