Mumbai: Hina Khan, a famous actress of the Indian television industry, who is suffering from breast cancer, shared pictures of her fresh wounds on social media.
Hina Khan posted some new pictures of herself on her official Instagram handle, in which the actress’s head hair is looking short, while the marks of fresh injuries on the actress’s neck and body can also be seen.
The scars seen in the photos are from Hina Khan’s cancer treatment.
Despite the diagnosis of cancer, the Indian actress with a smile on her face asked her fans in her post, what do you see in these pictures? The scars on my body or the hope in my eyes?
Hina Khan said these marks are mine, I have embraced them with love as this is my first sign of victory which I deserve.
He said that the hope in my eyes is the reflection of my soul, I see a ray of hope even in the dark that shows my healing.
The Indian actress added that I am sure that I will recover, I am praying for myself and for all of you.
It should be noted that Hina Khan had said in her Instagram post on June 28 that she has suffered from breast cancer.