KARACHI: Iran’s President Dr. Syed Ibrahim Raisi has expressed his determination to promote bilateral relations with Pakistan and said that for the development and prosperity of the people of both countries, joint efforts are being made to increase political, economic, commercial and public relations. Steps are being taken.
He expressed these views while addressing eminent personalities from different walks of life at the Chief Minister House Sindh on Tuesday.
Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tesuri, Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah, members of the provincial cabinet, scholars, representatives of the business community, senior government officials and diplomats were also present on this occasion.
R. Dr. Syed Ibrahim Raisi termed the visit to Pakistan as the best opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations in various fields and said that both countries have agreed to increase bilateral trade to 10 billion dollars. He said that the historical, cultural and religious relationship between the two neighboring countries spans centuries and the people of both the countries want to work together for peace and security and development and prosperity in the region.
He said that in the recent meetings with the President, Prime Minister and other high officials of Pakistan, it has been agreed to stabilize Pakistan-Iran bilateral relations. Ready to exchange with Pakistan.
The Iranian President said that the governments of the two countries are determined to remove the trade barriers and various possibilities have been discussed in this regard. The establishment of close relations will further strengthen the mutual trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Iran.
He said that no force can affect the historical relations of the two countries, on behalf of the leadership and nation of Iran, I have brought a message of peace and security to the people of Pakistan.
Dr. Syed Ibrahim Raisi emphasized the need for unity and solidarity in the Muslim Ummah and said that all Muslim countries must create mutual unity and agreement to deal with the challenges ahead. While strongly condemning the Zionist aggression in Palestine and Gaza, he urged the international organizations to play their active role in stopping the atrocities committed on the innocent people of Palestine.
The Iranian president paid tribute to the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the poet of the Middle East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, saying that they fought hard against colonialism and won freedom for the Muslims of the subcontinent. He said that the freedom of Palestine and Al-Quds is the first priority of the Muslim Ummah. The people of Palestine defeated the usurping Zionist forces with their struggle and perseverance.
He appreciated the people of Pakistan expressing their solidarity with Iran in every difficult hour and said that the Iranian people have feelings of love for Pakistan.
Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah welcomed the Iranian President and members of his delegation to Karachi in a welcome speech. He said that long-standing, religious, scientific and cultural ties between Pakistan and Iran are becoming more stable with time. From Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to President Asif Ali Zardari, the leadership of PPP has been giving importance to the relations with Iran and are determined to work together for the development and prosperity of the people of both countries.
The Chief Minister of Sindh said that both the countries have to work together to end the terrorist and illegal trade and to deal with the effects of environmental changes. Emphasizing the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and resolving the Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions, he said that we all should unite and support our Palestinian brothers.
Syed Murad Ali Shah highlighted the investment opportunities in Sindh and said that he wants to promote trade, economic and investment relations with Iran, hoping that the development of the region will start from the land of Sindh.