KARACHI: Senior actress of Pakistani showbiz industry Hina Khawaja Bayat took the actor Behrooz Sabzwari for allegedly drinking alcohol with PTI founder Imran Khan.
Recently, Behrooz Sabzwari had claimed during a podcast that she has cheated with Imran Khan many times.
Behrouz Sabzwari said that Imran Khan does not take cocaine but he does not drink alcohol much, Imran Khan does not drink more than one drink.
After this claim of the senior actor, while Imran Khan’s fans criticized Behrouz Sabzwari, some showbiz personalities also attacked the senior actor.
In this regard, actress Hina Khawaja Bayat posted a video on her official Instagram handle, in which she criticized Behroz Sabzwari without naming her.
Hina Khawaja Bayat said that some people want to gain fame by making statements against celebrities, a new trend has started here that when people are not in the news, they participate in any podcast about a celebrity. Saying wrong to get attention on social media.
The senior actress added that such people try to defame celebrities by making controversial statements, thereby benefiting the podcasters and the podcast participants as their videos go viral.
Hina Khawaja Bayat did not mention Behroz Sabzwari’s name in her video but released her video message only after Behroz Sabzwari’s claim of drinking alcohol on Imran Khan.