Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan has been hospitalised to Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai.Contrary to the rumours circulating online, the actor’s health issues are not heart-related.“An angioplasty was performed on a clot in his leg, and not on his heart,” stated an insider.According to the report, Bachchan fell ill and was subsequently admitted to the hospital, where he underwent an angioplasty procedure. The decision for the operation was made after the actor complained of feeling uneasy while attending events.The veteran actor is said to be in stable condition and is reportedly feeling better following the procedure. Later, an Indian media news outlet source reported that the actor was discharged from hospital and was resting at home.Hours before reports of his hospitalisation, Bachchan posted on X (formerly Twitter), ‘“in gratitude ever”.In a separate post, he shared a promotional video of his Indian Street Premier League (ISPL) team, Majhi Mumbai, and wrote, “Aankh kholke dekh lo, kaan lagake sun lo, Majhi Mumbai ki hogi Jai Jaikaar, yeh baat ab maanlo”. (“Open your eyes, hear if you can, Majhi Mumbai will emerge victorious. It’s time you accept this.”
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