Islamabad: Senator Faisal Vawda has said that Imran Khan is not visible before 10 months.
While talking on a private channel program, he said that there is no one bigger than the state in the whole world, the establishment’s focus is not the founder PTI but Pakistan.
Imran Khan also came from the same nursery, politicians grab their feet inside and grab their collars outside, the founder is not seen out of jail for eight to ten months.
PTI has made a compromise, governments come or go, what matters is Pakistan, on the question of cricket performance, Faisal Vawda said that our cricket team hits sixes in advertisements and does not see the ball on the ground, similarly democracy is also seen in advertisements, in reality politicians do not see the ball either.
All these people like to live in DHA, everyone is naked in this bathhouse, politicians are dishonest, thieves, and run parties like dictators.