KARACHI: Sindh Senior Minister for Information, Transport and Excise Sharjeel Inam Memon has said that a committee meeting was held regarding power supply through KE, HESCO, CEPCO. Speaker Sindh Assembly should give a ruling that the decisions of the committee should be implemented and the heads of the three power distribution organizations should be called here.
The provincial minister said that the committee’s opinion should be implemented, if not, action should be taken against them according to the law.
He made this demand while replying to various written and supplementary questions of the members during the question period of the Excise Department in the Sindh Assembly on Wednesday. He added that charities are certified and only they get tax exemption, natural If someone brings aid from outside during calamities such as floods or earthquakes, no tax is collected from it.
The question of personal use of a charity car is based on assumptions, taking a charity car for personal use can lead to confiscation of the car and fine, we have brought several reforms in the excise department and set revolutionary precedents. are.
Queuing system has been introduced in civic center and provision of air conditioner and water etc. Cashless system is going to be started in excise department, those who are not familiar with online should just get challan from excise department office and bank. In Submit, a premium number plate auction sold a plate for Rs 10 crore and the money collected is being used to build houses for flood victims.
Everyone has to take steps to eradicate drugs, action will be taken against whoever is involved in drugs, Sheikh Abdullah of MQM said that there are thousands of rickshaw pullers roaming in the city, will they also be registered?, Sharjeel Inam Memon. said that there is a ban on Chingchi rickshaws, but the association of rickshaw pullers has taken a stay from the court.