Mumbai: India’s leading filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has said that he will charge Rs 1 lakh for a ten-minute meeting with newcomers in the showbiz industry.
Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap released a post on his official Instagram account in which he said, “I have wasted a lot of time helping budding artistes in the showbiz industry, but I have not received anything good in return.”
Anurag Kashyap continued by saying that I don’t want to waste my time meeting new people anymore, so those who consider themselves creative geniuses can pay to meet me.
He said that the new artists who want to meet me have to pay a fee first, if someone wants to meet me for 10 to 15 minutes, he has to pay a fee of one lakh rupees.
The filmmaker said that similarly, for a one-hour meeting, Rs. 1 lakh and for a two-hour meeting, Rs. 5 lakh will have to be paid as a fee.
Anurag Kashyap expressed extreme anger and added that I am tired of meeting new artistes, if you are able to pay this fee for a meeting then call me or stay away from me.